Monday, December 14, 2009

Division of African Americans and Black Americans

Some idiot on Youtube wrote me:

AAs & BAs: The KEY difference
between these TWO (2) groups ...

The African-Americans (AAs) are an ETHNIC
grouping of people that is comprised ONLY of:

*** The 'Descendants-Of-The-Survivors' of the
chattel-slavery system that took place on
the continental United States of America
during the antebellum era of its history.***

Most (+70%) -- although not all -- of the people
who are born to two (2) AA parents are found to
have an ancestral "racial" lineage that includes
varying amounts of African (45-55%), Amerindian
(+25%) and also European (+20-30%) bloodlines
-- that were both admixed into and "continually
remained" within the lineage of their families.

(Meaning they are of the Mixed-Race category that is
referred to as "Multi-Generational Multiracially-Mixed"
or as 'MGM-Mixed' racially-admixed ancestral lineage)

Thus, this incredibly unique ETHNIC group of people is
actually not seen (by most scientists and geneticist)
as being a 'Black' RACE group (or any sort of RACE
group) at all --- but rather they are seen as actually
being comprised of people that span across
the following "racial" categories and groups ...

**** Multiracial
(about 70% of the AAs -- ex. Jayne Kennedy)

**** Black
(about 20% of the AAs -- ex. Oprah Winfrey)

**** Biracial
(About 5% of the AAs -- ex. Jennifer Beals)

**** Amerindian or White
(About 5% of the AAs -- ex. Walter White)

The Black Americans (BAs) are a RACE
grouping of people that consists ONLY of:

***The 'Volitional Immigrants' that are from nations
that are found all over the world and who are both
Fully of the Black Race group and who are also
NOT the descendants-of-the-survivors of the
chattel slavery system that was once found
on the continental United States of America.***

As noted, the BAs are a RACE group and
are seen as being of a fully-Black lineage.


Clearly this person is either a multiracial or biracial person with an identity crisis or a racist white person. If I am wrong then you are just a dumbass who ever you are. This person also posted 15 site references that were all blogs and forums. Most of them had names that alluded to my pegging the author as a biracial person like and similar named forums.

Here's my response:

What's in a name really? Thanks for all that information but what are you really trying to say to me?

I am not an African-American, the label is ludicrous to me. White people don't call themselves European Americans. When addressing the term American, I am simply that - American. I am also Black because I relate to the socio-political status in America of dark complected people called Blacks. I dont have a problem calling myself Black American. I have no other culture but American even though my DNA reveals that I descend from Africans currently living in Cameroon and Madagascar. Yet my ancestry also includes Native American and European admixture.

The problem with these forums and blogs labeling is this: How do you define a people who are "Fully of the Black Race group"? If you can give me some DNA proof of a fully Black race with proof of no admixture, I would be surprised. See why below:

Only a person who has no knowledge of DNA would call anyone living today a "pure" or "full" anything. The term in itself is racist, usually coming from those wishing to distance or align themselves with the group in question. The oldest known DNA is from Africans as you probably know. The Mbuti and Khoisan are two of a few indigenous African pygmy tribes that carry genetic remnants of the first groups of modern humans that split off from the oldest DNA more than 100,000 years ago.

You can see color variation in these two groups alone. Look up images for yourself online. You can also see vast differences between these two groups and that each displays the phynotypic facial features attributed to other so-called races, like Asians and Europeans. If these Africans split off from the original Black people, then that means even they are not "pure" or "full" Black Africans even though their DNA can be traced back there. So as far as Africa goes, pureness cannot even be established after at least 60,000 years of migration to and from the African continent. European colonialism has shuffled the mix even more and is also the root cause of all this labeling and division.

Black people span the world and were the first in all continents. Black is by no means confined to Africa. How do we know this, there is archeological evidence that the first civilizations in Europe were of African origin.

We also have evidence that white skin and light eyes occurred fairly recently in relation to the age of modern humans. Modern humans are placed around 180,000 - 82,000 years ago. Yet white features have been found to have genetically mutated 6000 - 10,000 years ago.

So in essence aren't white people just really light skinned Blacks.

And therefore, isn't a person mixed with Black and so-called white just the product of a light-skinned Black person and a darker skinned Black person.

It has also been known for a while that Asians descend from Africans just like the rest of the whole entire world. They just didn't want to admit it.

Many whites actually come from Asian stocks which once again makes no sense to classify them as white when they are clearly a mixed race as well.

Most whites originated from Black people who migrated from Africa and went to Melanesia and ended up in Australia.

Why don't they explore their own origins and stop trying to divide ours. And why dont you stop helping them?

Do the research you will find out the truth.

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